
The Girl That Has Everything

What do you buy her?
A fucking manicure.

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Poor Little Rich Girl

You think your life is bad?

Her Dad is stinking rich.. She's been on a #1 TV Show..
And she still looks like this.

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Mystic Tan

There is a fine line between being a Metrosexual and a Burnt Sienna Crayon.

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Butter Face

Butter Face. n.
Every thing is good, butter face.

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Smack, Crack.. Reality TV

Is that light reflecting off his head, or the crack seeping through?

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How To Lose Your Career In 10 Months

You marry this loser. Get pregnant with this loser... Then put yourself on TV... (say it with me) This Loser.
And dress like .....

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The Hoff

The sad part is..

Your Mom thinks he's hot.

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Tits & Ass

trash n.
1. Worthless or discarded material or objects; refuse or rubbish.
2. A place or receptacle where rubbish is discarded.
3. Worthless or offensive literary or artistic material.
4. A person or group of people regarded as worthless or contemptible.

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A touch of mystery? More like a touch of herpes.

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Commander Tom

Earth to Tom... Earth to Tom... OT VII do you read me...
Your career is taking a nose dive... release the girl... before its too late.

Freak Show.

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Smooth Criminal

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Jackie O

It's not often I eat crow. But damn Jackie's lookin' good.
(not that good, let's be real here)


Paris Squared

Q: What's the difference between Paris and a Ferrari?
A: Most men haven't been in a Ferrari.



In the near future if you ask yourself why Jennifer Aniston pulls a Mariah Carey, here's why.
You Bastards.


Mommy Dearest

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Eyes Wide Shut

Image Hosted by
We get it, you love her...
Now get off the fucking couch.
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Cry Me a River

"I've got so much saggy skin on my stomach," Posh has revealed. "Trust me, I look awful naked"

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American Pie

Look at those puppies.

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Recipe for Success

1 part Victoria Gotti
1 part David Letterman
add a dash of coke
Shake and serve.

Orange County

Jess' next big role: An Oompa Loompa.

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